A How to Paint Guide Porthole Gate and Fence Stencil Page 2


Refer to Fig. 2. To find the fence top, Line FT, measure 38 ½" (97.80cm) up from the Baseline. Using a level and a pencil, lightly draw a horizontal line all the way across the wall at this point. To find the fence bottom, Line FB, measure 6"(15.24cm) up from the Baseline. Using a level, lightly draw a second horizontal line all the way across the wall at this point.

To find the Center-point, measure the width of the wall along Line FT, divide by two, and mark that point. Using a level, lightly draw a vertical Center-line through this point all the way down to Line FB. It is extremely important that this Center-line is straight since all components of the gate and fence are painted using this line as a reference. (If you are not centering the gate on the wall, find the spot that you want to be the center of the gate and using a level, lightly draw a vertical Center-line.)

LET'S BUILD A GATE (and Posts)

Refer to Fig. 3. From your vertical Center-point on Line FT, measure out 16 7/8" (42.86cm) to the right and to the left and make light marks with your pencil. Using a level, lightly draw vertical lines through both of these points all the way down to Line FB. Both of these lines will be 16 7/8" (42.86cm) from the Center-line. The gate posts will be positioned to the outside of these lines. To find the lines which will mark the post bottoms, measure up 5"(12.70cm) from the Baseline under the vertical lines just drawn. Using a level, lightly mark short horizontal lines through these points as shown in the illustration.

Before stenciling the fence posts remove the center section from B1 on Stencil Sheet B. Do this very carefully with scissors or a craft knife. Refer to Fig. 4 when stenciling the posts.

Left Post

Position Print B1 so that the bottom is even with the 5" (12.70cm) mark and the right side of the cutout is to the left of the vertical line as shown in the illustration. Use tape or spray adhesive to hold the stencil in place. Mark pencil dots in all of the triangle register marks. Apply white paint with a narrow roller. Repeat the stencil two more times vertically to complete the post, marking and lining up the registration marks as you go. Note that the post sections will overlap slightly so that you are able to blend the paint at each junction.

Right Post

This post is painted the same way as the left post except that the left side of Print B1 is aligned on the right side of the vertical line. Again be sure to mark the Triangle Register Marks at the top of the post so you will be able to accurately line up the caps in the next step.

Post Cap

Refer to Fig. 5. There are four overlays used to create the post cap on each fence post. They are all on Stencil Sheet E (see Fig. 1). Using Print E1, line up the bottom Triangle Register Marks with the dots at the top of the post. Secure the stencil in place and roll with white paint. Repeat this step on the second post. Do not stencil Prints E2, E3, and E4 at this time. They will be painted with gray paint when all the white painting is completed and has dried.