Stencil Ease Parking Lot Numbering System | How to Stencil Parking Lot Numbers

Introducing the Stencil Ease Parking Lot Numbering System!

2 Digit Number Stencil Set - 2 digit holder included

3 Digit Holder

4 Digit Holder

 Traditional stencil vs. ours

Traditional parking lot stencils give you very little protection from overspray, but with our two-, three-, or four-digit holders you can increase your coverage area by two inches or more.

 Third digit headaches

For those parking lots with one hundred or more spaces, adding a third number can be cumbersome and time-consuming. The third digit often needs to be painted separately to avoid overlapping or oversized gaps between numbers.

 Three-digit holder

With our three-digit holder, quick and easy alignment of your numbers is a snap!


And our grooved holder design prevents bleeding during painting.

 Flip it good

Flip the holder so the groove is facing up.

 Turn third digit upside down and affix with Frog Tape

Next, turn the third digit upside down and secure into position using Frog Tape painter’s tape.

 Place holder over prepositioned double digit stencil

With your two-digit stencils in place and properly aligned, simply place the holder over the first two numbers and begin painting.

 Grab and go to the next one

Once you finish with the first parking space, simply grab the holder and move to the next stencil.

 Two-digit holder

For smaller projects, we offer a two-digit holder.

 999 problems but a fourth digit ain't one

Have more than 999 spaces? Or does your numbering system include letters? No problem! We also offer a four-digit holder and a full selection of alphabet stencils.

Krylon Inverted Marking Wand 12 inch Spotter

For larger jobs, additional holders are relatively inexpensive. We also sell a variety of accessories, such as the Krylon Inverted Marking Wand 12 inch Spotter used in this tutorial.

On your mark

 All our parking space stencils are available in super durable 1/8th inch and 1/16th inch LLDPE plastic.


 Our stencil material is tough, flexible, lays flat, lasts for hundreds of uses, and is easy to clean.


 For more information, visit today!



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